Sunday, December 30, 2012

First Fever

Oops I just found this post from a few weeks ago that I wrote but never posted so here it is...

I think it is appropriate that her first fever post follows her first daycare post as that is likely where she got it.  She has had a few colds that don't even stop her in the past but never had a fever.  Even after all her shots she has gone fever free.  Until today.  I knew this day would come sooner or later.  She had a little runny nose yesterday which we didn't think much of.  This morning she wasn't as perky as usual but seemed ok.  I put her down for her morning nap and 3 hours later she was still sleeping which is unusual.  She stirred a little so I went to get her thinking we were going to Gymboree.  When I picked her up she was really warm and I took her temp which was 101.8.  Now I have treated many babies with fevers but it is different when it is your own and you just feel so bad for them.  We have spent the day loaded up with Tylenol or Motrin and the temp has gone down but never below 100.4.  She spent the next 7 hours in my arms either napping or just being held as she cried and was fussy whenever I put her down until bed time.  Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

And the follow up is the next day was better and by the end of the week she was doing great.

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